
I create a compassionate space for everyone to explore their physical landscape and breath. To seek joy and celebration of our bodies through movement. When we connect with our inner essence and move from a place of freedom, the result of our yoga practice is an enlivened being ~ it’s this deeply seeded positivity I bring to my classes.

Where it all began.

My teaching style very much reflects my life and background as a dancer. I first stepped foot in a studio at the age of 2 and began training full-time at the age of 16. I went on to perform, create and teach professionally in Europe until the intensity of the world took over my passion for it. It took a painful event in my family to shift my entire world. Grieving the death of a loved one brought me close to the spiritual practice of yoga.

I found my way home to myself and to the joy of moving again.

Yoga allows me to find freedom, ease and lightness both on and off the mat, and this is what I aim to share with others. I guide students on an intentional, invigorating journey away from the inner critic and toward a place of peace and awareness. My teachings are creative, playful and thoughtfully designed for all levels to join in. Feeling free within our body-mind, and the ability to navigate our way through this life with authenticity and curiosity is what excites me about yoga and movement today.

Ready to dive in and explore?

move with me

move with me ✺